January Books of the Month

Here goes the first of my new series, books of the month! Once a month, I will review all the books I’ve read over the course of the month. Not only is it a fabulous way to keep my mind reading in my downtime but also a GREAT way to support up and coming authorsContinue reading “January Books of the Month”

Outlines: The Cookbook of Writing.

Hey all! Are you an author who religiously outlines before a project? Maybe you dabble in it but then go to writing or maybe you just wing it. I believe we all outline to a degree, but the idea of what an outline is is fluid. Personally, my outlines are generic. I generally write myContinue reading “Outlines: The Cookbook of Writing.”

January Check-In

My month is definitely off to a rough start. In my personal life we’ve had two deaths in the family, my grandmother and my ex’s grandfather so it’s been a whirlwind. A third is on the horizon, and by the time this publishes, my uncle will have likely have passed. However, that hasn’t stopped meContinue reading “January Check-In”

First Draft? More like a Dump Fest.

Did you know most writers starting out have a hard time finishing their work simply because they critique their first draft into oblivion? No, just me? Well damn. This annoying habit of editing while I write has taken a LONG time to break, and no, I’m not cured. I do catch myself from time toContinue reading “First Draft? More like a Dump Fest.”

New Year Goals

Hey all! You all know the saying; new year, new me. I used to be one of those people and it’s hard not to get caught up in the idea that by becoming someone new we will inherently be happier. Or more successful. Or simply put, better than before. I’ve always been one of thoseContinue reading “New Year Goals”

A Writer’s Life

Back in high school, some ten years ago (yikes!), I had dreamt of an amazing concept for a fantasy saga. To be honest, it TOOK over my brain and these characters were all I could think of until I jotted their stories down. Quite recently, now that I’m finished with my latest project, I dugContinue reading “A Writer’s Life”

Writer’s Block

Writing.  I swear that word has the power to change the world. But then there are days when I’d much rather share a space with a spider. And note, I do everything in my power to avoid those like the plague.  I’ve never truly believed Writer’s block to be what so many people define itContinue reading “Writer’s Block”


My goodness, what a hiatus it’s been! I cannot believe how fast this year is going and it’s only April.  I have a busy, busy year ahead of me. I have decided to submit a short story for publication, bless my heart. Truth be told, my experience with short stories is next to nothing butContinue reading “Yikes! “

Sneak Peek Sunday!

The past few months I’ve attended some online seminars and one of the tips was to evolve a blog into your author platform. I’ve been using my blog primarily to discuss things near and dear to me and share some poetry from time to time but haven’t really done much as far as inventing myContinue reading “Sneak Peek Sunday!”

Happy 2017!

Happy New Year!  I’m super excited to announce that I will be publishing a NEW book!  Currently I don’t have an official release date but it will be in Summer of 2017 and will be available in e-book and paperback.  I will most certainly keep you updated as I know more but the light forContinue reading “Happy 2017!”