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To Read is to Live


Growing up I remember hating to read. I know what you’re thinking and believe me, it’s true. Of course, I quickly learned that in order to be a great writer I’d have to do my fair share of reading.

Now it’s hard to pin point a specific book or article that changed my views on reading. But early on I fell in love with Lurlene McDaniel’s novels. The Harry Potter books also changed my life. One of my favorite books of all time, however, is My Sister’s Keeper. And I just happened across that one in my creative writing class.

We were to pick a different book each day to help us with our writing prompts when needed. One day, I picked up Jodi’s brilliant novel and started reading. A few days later, I picked it again. And the next week I picked it again. Eventually I broke down and asked to borrow it and to this day, it’s probably the only book to make me tear up. And in a good way. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you find a copy and do so. Like yesterday.

Nowadays I love to read. My husband makes fun of me because I’ll read things that really don’t need to be read, like airline magazines or junk mail. With books you can break apart the author’s writing style and it’s amazing how the brain can adjust to each different style to comprehend the author’s meaning.

Anyway, I’m looking for a new book to sink my mind into. I’ve surfed my kindle and nothing is really screaming “read me” so I’m turning to my fellow readers. What have you read lately?

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